Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sports Meet

There isn't a real sports culture here in China like there is in the U.S. There could be. Students love sports here just as much as anywhere else. There is supposedly a school team for basketball, volleyball, soccer, and everything else but you'll never see them play here. Our school isn't prestigious or wealthy enough so we can't host any games. So there is really no pride in collegiate sports. Students don't pay attention to it. That's hard to believe coming from America.

As a minor supplement schools hold "Sports Meets." Every year a competition is held for the students to compete in a bunch of different sports. Many of the competitions are just backyard games that they seem to have made up for fun. The sports meet consists mostly of freshmen students.

I was on the phone with my brother while I was shooting these pictures with the other hand trying to figure out what I was watching.

Practicing the group jump rope

This huge group never did anything for the hour that we were playing Ultimate Frisbee but they were probably a dance group of some sort. They stood all lined up and seemed to be waiting for further instructions. I should have taken over :)

Group running!

A relay race. With two basketballs they run back and forth handing them off to the next person.
A friendly circle. They never did anything either so I don't know what they were up to. There's so many times in China that I see things and I don't know what's going on. I'm ok with that but it drives some foreigners nuts. I think it's kind of fun that way!

Bamboo stick hop race.

"Hao" means good. "Bu hao" means "not good." "Hao bu hao?" means "Good or bad?" See if you can hear the coach's response!

1 comment:

Speedbump Kitchen said...

I loved this. I loved the video. I wasn't expecting them to start hopping when I pushed play, I nearly choked on my coffee.